Pulse (2023)

“PULSE” is a large, compelling chamber composition combining improvised and fully notated music.
With this new composition, Harris chooses to celebrate the pulse that moves within us as individuals and as a collective community seeking to positively move society forward.
For a brief or prolonged moment, a pulse can disturb or comfort any definition of status quo.
“P U L S E” is a compelling chamber composition for oboe, clarinet, violin, cello, acoustic bass, and piano, that aims to stretch repertoire and foster connection among disparate audiences using improvised and written music with jazz and classical musicians performing alongside each other.
Harris, with his fellow artists, endeavors to remind listeners of our personal and collective vibrations in search of equilibrium.
This project is made possible by a Live Arts Boston grant from the Boston Foundation.
Watch excerpts from the interview with Jim Brody and Margery Eagan, hosts of GBH Boston Public Radio Live from the Library